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Release time:2020-06-01 Number:475

Implementation plan of "gas revolution" (pipeline gas popularization project) in Linhai Ci

With the completion of Yongtaiwen natural gas pipeline off load station and city gate station, the city's pipeline gas will enter a new era of long-distance pipeline. In order to promote the energy consumption revolution, build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, and fundamentally improve the gas safety situation of our city, this plan is hereby formulated.
1、 Guiding ideology
With the goal of "building vitality, quality and happiness near the sea", with the purpose of improving urban living environment and people's living quality, and with the key of expanding the utilization of natural gas, we should strengthen the construction of gas sources, improve the transmission and distribution system, and improve the capacity of natural gas supply guarantee. We should accelerate the construction of gas pipeline projects, build an intelligent system of "Internet plus city gas", constantly optimize the structure of gas use, vigorously improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and promote the safe, healthy and orderly development of the pipeline gas market.
2、 Work objectives
Conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government on accelerating the development of pipeline gas, establish an efficient coordination mechanism, improve various work measures, actively promote the pipeline gas popularization project and the "bottle to gas" treatment project, strengthen the gas safety management, ensure that the city's newly reconstructed pipeline will be more than 125 kilometers in 2018, add 25000 new pipeline gas users, and reduce gas accidents by 50% above. In 2019, more than 150 kilometers of new pipelines will be built, 40000 new pipeline gas users will be added, and gas accidents will fall by more than 20%. By 2020, there will be more than 365 kilometers of newly reconstructed pipelines, 92000 new pipeline gas users, more than 80% of urban pipeline gas users, more than 65% of township pipeline gas users, and the gas accident rate is at a low level in similar cities.
(1) Complete the revision of special gas planning. In accordance with the national energy policy, energy conservation policy and the city's overall planning, the towns are included in the scope of the special gas planning, which is planned as a whole and implemented as a whole. By 2020, we will comprehensively improve the main supporting facilities of urban and rural pipeline gas projects in our city, so as to provide a strong guarantee for accelerating the urbanization construction, coastal economic development, realizing the safe production of industry and commerce, and developing a green and low-carbon economy.
(2) We will accelerate the construction and reconstruction of urban gas pipelines and the replacement of natural gas. Focus on promoting the reconstruction and extension of the gas pipeline and natural gas replacement in the old urban area to the west of Jingjiang middle road; accelerate the development of the gas pipeline in the ancient city, Dayang, Jiangnan and other urban villages; accelerate the construction of the pipe network from the main urban area to xunqiao, Dongcheng and other planned urban areas; practically solve the practical problems of public rental housing, resettlement housing, low-income family installation and use of gas pipeline. To ensure that in 2018, more than 100 kilometers of newly reconstructed pipelines will be completed in the urban area, and 20000 new pipeline gas users will be added; in 2019, more than 80 kilometers of new pipelines will be built, and 30000 new pipeline gas users will be added; in 2020, more than 40 kilometers of new pipelines will be built, and 15000 new pipeline gas users will be added.
(3) "Zhenzhentong" project of pipeline gas will be implemented. Adhere to the overall planning of urban and rural areas, speed up the development of town and village pipeline gas, and use three years to realize the "town town connection" of pipeline gas. In 2018, more than 25 kilometers of new gas pipelines will be built to cover more than 50% of townships and 5000 new gas pipeline users; in 2019, more than 70 kilometers of new gas pipelines will be built to cover more than 70% of townships and 10000 new gas pipeline users; in 2020, more than 50 kilometers of new gas pipelines will be built to cover 100% of townships, 12000 new pipeline gas users were added.
(4) Vigorously improve the city's gas safety environment. We should closely combine promoting the popularization of pipeline gas with rectifying the hidden dangers of gas safety, urge and cooperate with gas business enterprises to speed up the transformation of old gas pipelines, reduce the third-party damage of gas facilities, and eliminate the hidden dangers of user-side safety; vigorously promote the "bottle to gas" treatment project, guide residents to use pipeline gas, force catering units to use pipeline gas, and popularize the use of stainless steel Hose, further improve the emergency response plan for gas emergencies, and significantly improve the gas safety situation in our city.

(5) Implement gas price monitoring and keep the price stable. Implement various monitoring measures, strictly control the prices of pipeline gas supply links, and realize the "same type, same city, same price" of pipeline gas users, benefiting the general public.

3、 Task
(1) "Three Simultaneities" supporting construction shall be carried out for pipeline gas. Since March 1, 2018, the new, reconstructed and expanded real estate development, urban village reconstruction, indemnificatory housing and other engineering projects that need to use fuel in the gas pipeline coverage area of our city must be equipped with gas pipeline facilities, which must be designed, constructed and accepted simultaneously with the main works. (leading unit: municipal construction and Planning Bureau; cooperating unit: development and Reform Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, land and Resources Bureau, towns (streets), gas enterprises; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(2) Natural gas replacement and gas pipeline reconstruction and extension in the old urban area. Improve the natural gas replacement plan, accelerate the natural gas replacement work; implement the old pipe network transformation and extension project in the old urban area, transform and replace the old pipelines that do not meet the requirements of natural gas replacement or the gas pipelines that have major safety risks, and lay new pipelines for the communities that do not lay gas pipelines to ensure the full coverage of the urban pipe network. (leading unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau; cooperating unit: development and Reform Bureau, construction and Planning Bureau, sub district offices and gas enterprises; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)
(3) Pipeline gas franchise. We will speed up the identification of the main bodies of pipeline gas franchise rights outside the planned urban areas, and solve the historical problems left by Shangpan Pipeline Gas Co., Ltd. and Duqiao Pipeline Gas Co., Ltd. (leading unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau; cooperating units: development and Reform Bureau, Finance Bureau, construction and Planning Bureau, legal affairs office, Toumen Port Economic Development Zone, Duqiao town and Shangpan town government; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)
(4) Pipeline gas "zhenzhentong" project. We will complete the revision of the special gas plan, formulate detailed rules for its implementation, speed up the popularization of pipeline gas in all towns, and ensure the realization of the work objectives. (leading unit: municipal construction and Planning Bureau; cooperating unit: development and Reform Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, land and Resources Bureau, Transportation Bureau, town governments, gas enterprises; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(5) Promote the "bottle to gas" treatment project. Strengthen the publicity and guidance of gas users, actively promote the "bottle to gas", and gradually eliminate the use of LPG cylinders in urban areas. In line with the principle of "Whoever benefits pays", gas enterprises will give certain preferential treatment to the resident users of "bottle to gas" when charging the initial installation fee; for the industrial and commercial users of "bottle to gas", only the engineering construction fee will be charged, and no initial installation fee will be charged. (leading unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau; cooperating unit: Publicity Department of the municipal Party committee, construction and Planning Bureau, economic and Information Bureau, sub district offices and gas enterprises; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(6) Orderly promote the construction of natural gas filling stations. According to the city's urban and rural planning, special gas planning and comprehensive utilization planning of natural gas, and in accordance with the principle of controlling total amount, ensuring demand and ensuring safety, gradually promote the construction of gas stations. (leading unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau; cooperating units: Construction Planning Bureau, development and Reform Bureau, market supervision bureau, Commerce Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, fire brigade, towns (streets); completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)

(7) We will carry out pilot projects on distributed natural gas energy. We will make overall plans for power, heat and other energy sources, and select qualified energy load centers to carry out demonstration pilot projects of distributed natural gas energy. (leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau; cooperating units: Finance Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, construction planning bureau, market supervision bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, fire brigade, towns (streets); completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(8) Strengthen the management of gas use in catering units. At present, all kinds of catering units in our city are still using large quantities of bottled liquefied petroleum gas, and the hidden safety problems are prominent. It is forbidden for catering units with pipeline gas installation conditions to use bottled liquefied petroleum gas instead of pipeline gas, and the catering units that use bottled liquefied petroleum gas in violation of regulations shall be investigated and dealt with in a timely manner. (leading unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce; cooperating units: Urban Management Bureau, market supervision bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, Public Security Bureau, fire brigade, towns (streets); completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(9) Strengthen the gas safety management of high-rise buildings. According to the code for fire protection design of buildings (gb50016-2014) on the use of gas in high-rise buildings, bottled liquefied gas is strictly prohibited. Organize and carry out the investigation and remediation of gas safety hazards of high-rise buildings. (leading unit: towns (streets); cooperating unit: Urban Management Bureau, construction planning bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, fire brigade, gas enterprise; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(10) Continue to implement the coal to gas project. We will speed up the transformation of boilers, stoves and other highly polluting fuels (coal, fuel oil, etc.) in government departments, enterprises and institutions, and individual businesses in the areas covered by pipeline gas. By 2020, coal-fired boilers of less than 10 steam tons / hour will be eliminated in all respects, coal-fired boilers of less than 35 steam tons / hour will be banned, and coal-fired boilers of less than 35 steam tons / hour will be basically eliminated in the built-up area. We will build and improve gas and heat supply networks, and encourage the construction and reconstruction of central heating facilities. (leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau; cooperating units: Finance Bureau, environmental protection bureau, market supervision bureau, economic and Information Bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, towns (streets); completion time: March 1, 2018 to February 31, 2020)
(11) We will increase assistance to the needy. According to the policy, we will further refine the preferential and Subsidy Methods for the installation and use of pipeline gas for the minimum living insurance and families in need, so as to benefit more families in need. (leading unit: Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau; cooperating unit: Finance Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, gas enterprise; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(12) We will intensify efforts to rectify the hidden dangers of gas safety. Gas enterprises are responsible for troubleshooting major potential safety hazards and reporting user information that refuses to be rectified to Urban Management Bureau. Towns (streets) are responsible for organizing relevant departments to carry out remediation actions. Gas enterprises are responsible for installation and construction, and construction costs are borne by towns (streets), gas enterprises and users in a certain proportion. (leading unit: towns (streets); cooperating unit: Urban Management Bureau, market supervision bureau, Public Security Bureau, fire brigade, gas enterprise; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
4、 Promotion measures
(1) Carefully check the information of residential users, industrial and commercial users and public welfare users who have installed pipeline gas and have not installed pipeline gas in the area, register and record in the information management system. (leading unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau; cooperating unit: Public Security Bureau, towns (streets), gas enterprises; completion time: March 1, 2018 April 30, 2018)
(2) Urge gas enterprises to make on-the-spot investigation on the user information submitted by the municipal government, and scientifically formulate the annual pipeline gas user development plan for 2018-2020. (leading unit: Urban Management Bureau of the city; cooperating unit: towns (streets), gas enterprises; completion time: before 1 June 2018)
(3) According to the pipeline gas user development plan, the pipeline gas facilities construction plan for 2018-2020 is formulated. (leading unit: Construction Planning Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau, towns (streets), gas enterprises; completion time: before June 15, 2018)
(4) According to the gas special plan and annual development plan, urge the gas enterprises to strengthen the preparation of road excavation license application materials and implementation plan according to the mode of "developing in pieces and pushing forward one by one", scientifically formulate the traffic relief plan during the construction period, standardize the construction behavior, and complete the design, construction, acceptance and other works on schedule. (leading unit: municipal construction and Planning Bureau; responsible unit: gas enterprise; cooperating unit: development and Reform Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, market supervision bureau, Public Security Bureau, towns (streets); completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(5) The pipeline gas construction projects involved in the development plan will be included in the municipal key projects, and the green channel approval management will be implemented. The relevant examination and approval departments of the city conscientiously perform their duties, improve work efficiency, speed up the examination and approval progress, and ensure that all works are completed as planned. (leading unit: municipal administrative examination and approval management office; cooperating unit: development and Reform Bureau, construction and Planning Bureau, Urban Management Bureau and Market Supervision Bureau; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(6) The preferential policy of compensation for road excavation shall be implemented. In order to speed up the construction of gas pipelines and reduce the construction burden of gas enterprises, the municipal road excavation involved in the construction process shall be repaired by the pipeline gas enterprises themselves, and the compensation fee for road excavation shall be exempted. The Urban Management Bureau is responsible for the technical guidance and quality control of municipal road self recovery. (leading unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau; cooperating units: Finance Bureau and Construction Planning Bureau; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
(7) According to the development plan, urge the gas enterprises to accelerate the transformation and treatment of the old pipe network in our city, effectively eliminate the hidden dangers of gas safety, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property. (leading unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau; responsible unit: gas enterprise; cooperating unit: Construction Planning Bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, towns (streets); completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)
(8) We will promote gas price reform, establish a price monitoring system, strengthen price supervision and inspection, urge operators to regulate price behavior, guide operators to operate in good faith according to law, maintain market order, and protect the interests of residents. (leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau (Price Bureau); cooperating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau, construction and Planning Bureau, Urban Management Bureau; completion time: March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020)
5、 Organizational leadership
A leading group for the "gas revolution" (pipeline gas popularization project) in Linhai City was established, with the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee and the executive deputy mayor as the group leader, the deputy director of the municipal government office, the director of the municipal construction and Planning Bureau, and the director of the Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau (City Administration Bureau) as the Deputy group leader, and the publicity, development and reform, finance, public security, economic and information, transportation, environmental protection, market supervision, civil affairs, safety supervision The main heads of the departments of Commerce, legal system, administrative examination and approval, fire control and other departments and the main heads of gas enterprises are members. The leading group has offices. The director of the office is the director of the Municipal Construction Planning Bureau. The deputy director of the municipal construction planning bureau and the deputy director of the municipal comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau (City Administration Bureau) are the deputy directors of the office. Responsible for overall coordination, organization and implementation, supervision and guidance, assessment and inspection, etc. (the list of members of the leading group is attached)
Publicity Department of the municipal Party committee: to be responsible for organizing and coordinating the publicity reports of various news media on gas management, correctly guiding the public opinion of gas management, and creating a good public opinion atmosphere.
Bureau of development and Reform (Price Bureau): accelerate the implementation of county to county communication projects and ensure the implementation of gas sources. Examine and approve the relevant projects of pipeline gas and boiler coal to gas, and check and accept the replaced natural gas boilers together with the departments of environmental protection and economic information. Formulate or adjust the gas price and service charge standards according to law, and investigate and punish the acts violating the gas price and service charge management regulations.
Construction Planning Bureau: take the lead in organizing relevant departments to formulate the work implementation plan of "gas revolution" (pipeline gas popularization project), formulate and improve the special gas plan, supervise and manage the construction of pipeline gas projects, guide and assist each town to prepare and improve the gas plan.
Comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau (Urban Management Bureau): be responsible for industry supervision, establish and improve gas safety supervision system, strengthen gas safety management; increase punishment for illegal occupation of gas facilities; simplify approval procedures and coordinate work when gas pipeline construction crosses municipal roads, greening and other facilities in combination with urban management requirements.
Environmental Protection Bureau: be responsible for strengthening the daily monitoring of atmospheric environment quality, making detailed plans according to the relevant regulations and requirements for promoting the use of natural gas, and doing a good job of "coal to gas" in the whole city.
Bureau of Commerce: responsible for the management of gas use in the catering industry, urging catering units to strengthen the daily inspection of gas safety, and timely eliminate potential accidents. We will work out rectification plans for the catering industry, promote pipeline gas, and gradually eliminate bottled LPG.
Bureau of economy and information technology: be responsible for coordinating and handling the relevant work of "coal to gas" of each enterprise.
Market Supervision Bureau: strengthen the monitoring of the boiler, stop the annual inspection of the boiler that does not meet the environmental protection regulations and is close to the service life; cooperate with the promotion and use of the pipeline gas in the catering industry.
Gas enterprise: be responsible for accelerating the gas pipeline laying and transformation, accelerating the natural gas replacement according to the requirements of the implementation plan, ensuring the quality and safety of the project, and providing the gas service in place.
At the same time, other relevant departments such as public security, transportation, civil affairs, safety supervision, commerce, legal system, administrative examination and approval, fire control and so on shall, according to their respective responsibilities, strengthen the supervision and inspection of gas quality and operation management according to law, so as to ensure the gas safety. The owner of pipeline along the line shall cooperate well. Each town (street) shall, in accordance with the principle of "territorial management", implement the responsibilities of territorial gas supervision and management, and be responsible for the supervision and management of local residents' gas users while promoting the development of pipeline gas in the region and enhancing the knowledge of users' safe gas use.
This plan shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.